EFT Tapping for Chronic Pain

EFT Tapping for Chronic Pain

Join Jeanne Demers and Natalie Glynn to address chronic pain and fatigue through a simple technique called EFT Tapping.

In addition to teaching you the traditional EFT Tapping Protocol, you will also be guided in an innovative step-by-step process centered in an approach to self-talk that nurtures the cultivation of love, security, acceptance, support, motivation, and growth.  

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When chronic pain and fatigue are present, there can be a lot of challenging emotions. Depression, anxiety, frustration, anger, sadness and helplessness are common emotional responses to pain and fatigue that add another layer of stress to the body - with the effect of causing the body to heal more slowly. 

In this online course that can be done at your own pace, you will be guided in an therapeutic method that is extremely effective for reducing and eliminating pain and fatigue - EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques). EFT is popularly known as ‘tapping’ because its distinguishing feature is the stimulation of acupuncture points using fingertip percussion.

Tapping is especially effective at relieving chronic pain and fatigue because of its ability to address unresolved emotions that keeping the body stuck in a loop of stress. It is a quick and simple method that is easy to learn, simple to apply, and can be done by anyone, at any time, anywhere - ideal for people who are dealing with pain and fatigue.

Jeanne Demers

After the publication of my first book, FLAWD - How To Stop Hating The Things That Make You Who You Are, I focused on EFT Tapping on helping young people experience greater self-acceptance. Now as the co-creator of Choose Your Life Coaching, I work with Natalie Glynn - using the most cutting-edge tools in modern psychology and neuroscience - to help people address the areas of their lives where they feel most stuck.

Coach Jeanne Demers

Natalie Glynn

I am a wife and mother who lost 100 lbs through NLP, Tapping & Change Model Work. I specialize in Trauma, Addiction, Codependency, Weight Loss, and Relationships. I work with Jeanne Demers as co-creators of Choose Your Life Coaching to help create organic and exponential positive growth for clients.

Coach Natalie Glynn


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